Well, here in Wisconsin it doesn't, anyway. It's been cold and rainy.
The rain part is fine; I love rain. It's my favorite weather - specifically, big, loud, flashy thunderstorms. We had some of those last night. I nursed Ben during one of them and during his burp break, he saw some lightning as he was standing on the nursing pillow looking out of his bedroom windows, followed by a huge crash of thunder. He was startled and looked at me for a cue as to how to react. So I gave him a huge smile, and he gave me one back.
What a little cutie.
He is growing and changing so fast. I know that sounds trite, and of course it's the way things should be; but it's all so new to us, and we just love it. His vocalizations are becoming more and more elaborate and musical. He has these beautiful, flute-like upper-register babblings, trills, and birdlike gurgles. They are heartwarmingly endearing. (They are also getting louder, but that's okay, too.)
He's teething as well, which means a lot of gnawing. His hands, your hands, burp cloths, blankets, teething rings, rattles, binkies - pretty much anything in his mouth's vicinity qualifies as gnaw fodder. Along with the teething is the grabbing. Mommy's hair is a very popular target. I often have to pry my tresses free of his tight little fists, one cute pudgy finger at a time, saying, "gentle, gentle". Also amusing, with the increased tactile awareness. is his interaction with the cats, since Bianca and Emma love to jump up on the nursing pillow with him. Today he reached out to pet Emma, which freaked her out and sent her flying. David, who is more annoyed by Emma than the other two cats, found this quite entertaining.
Solid foods continue to go over well. We've given him pears and peas recently. The peas are a big hit! I was all ready with the digicam cocked and pointed at his face when I first introduced them, expecting a grimace or "yech" face. But he just gobbled them right up. David chastised me for expecting him not to like the peas, saying we shouldn't influence his food preferences by expecting him to react one way or the other. Perhaps when he's old enough to pick up on that sort of thing.
As of right now, he's not quite 6 months, and I think it's safe to assume that this kind of subtle humor still eludes him.
The other hilarious thing I feel it appropriate to mention is that the two sounds that cause him to open his mouth the widest for the spoon are a descending bomb explosion (high-to-low whistle followed by detonating sound) and a sputtering plane breaking down (think Snoopy and his Red Baron). Those are his favorites.
Notice the pea trajectory on the high chair tray: he had just sneezed with a mouth full of them. :-D
One of my favorite comments - I was at some little restaurant in Norwalk, OH, when some HUGE thunderstorm came through. A BIG thundercrash and our waitress said, "Ahh, it's just the Angels bowling! That sounded like a strike to me!"
I love it!! :) We'll have to use that line when he's old enough to be scared of them...;) Right now he's just blissfully ignorant. (Why can't I be more like that?!)
Love the pictures! Now there's someone who lives life to the fullest!
Yes, he is a little sweetheart, isn't he? We're keeping him. ;)
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