Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Cooling down my hot head

Okay, I have to stop and breathe here for a minute.

I apologize for the vehemence and over-opinionation of my last post and particularly my response to BigRedEO's comment. This primary election is the most heated and hotly contested one that I have ever seen (or been aware or interested enough to notice) in my life, and I have to admit that I have gotten overly involved emotionally.

The good news is that Democrats are energized, that there are two incredibly viable candidates neither of whom are white males, and change is in the air no matter who wins the ticket.

Tonight I went to my Buddhist study and meditation group at my church and we discussed the precept for "right speech", which means carefully evaluating what you're saying and how you say it to make sure it's not harmful. I am very passionate about Hillary, and I will be extremely disappointed if she loses the ticket; but that does not excuse my bad-mouthing Obama and making fun of him. I do stand by my deep concerns for his inexperience and lack of ability/strategy, but I don't need to be calling him names or being sarcastic. And some of my emails/blog comments/conversations with Obama supporters have been hostile and otherwise angry and judgmental. I apologize openly to all I may have offended.

Phew. {*exhales*} I feel better now. It's not good for me to get too emotionally wrapped up in things that are so largely outside of my control (another Buddhist concept). My happiness and peace of mind is just a breath is all in my mind. Breathe in, breathe out...

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