Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You go, girl!! To the polls, that is...

Today, August 26th, is the 88th anniversary of women getting the right to vote.

This means that there are women currently on this planet that were alive during a time when it was illegal for them to vote.

This blows my mind.

It boggles me that it hasn't even been 100 years yet that women have had the right to vote.

That's sort of depressing, actually. And inspiring at the same time. I will absolutely be going to the polls this fall! And so should every woman of legal age, no matter who you're voting for.

1 comment:

Karinderella said...

Hear, hear! Yes, it is truly mind-boggling that our right to vote was so relatively recent. My Grandma, who was in a wheelchair and failing fast during the last week of her life, somehow found the energy to get out and vote in the last presidential election. It was that important to her. If she could do that, the rest of us certainly can.